What's Your Story?

2021 Entry


Staying in touch while staying apart

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I was asked the question “how has the Internet helped you get through this past year” which got me thinking about how I wouldn’t have been able to talk to my friends or family, or how I wouldn’t have been able to continue my education.

This lead onto me thinking about how the Internet benefitted those who were fortunate enough to have access to the Internet during such times, and how without it we wouldn’t have been able to check up on each other or keep up to date with each others lives thanks to social media.

My video is about my personal experience with how the Internet helped me over the past year and how I think it could have benefitted others during such times.

Thank you for your support! Stay well 🙂

This song is called “A new beginning” and I got it from the resource link! The website is called www.bensound.com – thank you! 🙂

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  • Cybersafe Kids IReland