What's Your Story?

2016 Honourable Mention

Honourable Mention

Be Sensible Online

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Have you ever clicked on a dodgy link before? Maybe it sent you to a website selling stuff that no-one wants or needs… Or maybe, like this girl, you’ve had your computer and all its files ruined. The virus ‘ROMBERTIK’ is real, although there is a small bit of controversy over whether or not it can do this kind of thing. I myself have clicked on things like that before, but maybe I wouldn’t have if someone had shown me a video like this…

I scripted and coded this all by myself, using ‘Scratch’. I learned about the competition through ‘CoderDojo’, a coding class that I go to, which I really enjoy. I had a great time making this video , and I hope you have a great time watching it!!

I don’t have any music so I suppose in a way I DO have permission, so I’ll just say yes, if that’s okay?

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