What's Your Story?

How might new technology (or AI) help you in the future?

New technology is the cool stuff that hasn’t been around forever – like smartphones, self-driving cars, or robots that can help you with tasks. AI, (or Artificial Intelligence), is like giving computers the ability to think and learn, just like humans.

So many good things are possible because of the internet and all things tech. It’s useful for learning, entertaining, it connects us to others far away, it’s amazing! Yet, it’s not perfect, and if new technology (or AI) is used in the wrong way, it may cause problems for others.  

We want to hear YOUR brilliant ideas about how new technology (or AI) might help you in the future. Let your imagination run wild because the future is yours to shape! If you have an answer, then tell us your story. Be funny. Be dramatic. Be creative. Whatever you do, be real.

Create a two-minute video answering our question for a chance to win one of our great prizes. Use live action, stop action, animation, original music, or none.

Don’t forget to read the rules and check out our resources page to help you get started.

Ideas to help with the answer:

  • Research online,  explore and understand the possibilities and potential of technology (or AI).
  • Ask questions Can humans live in harmony with technology (or AI)? What impact is technology (or AI) having on human life?
  • Listen to what’s being said in the media, and by experts about new technology, AI and the future.
  • Talk to your friends, teacher(s) and to students in your class about technology and AI.


Past Winners








Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Cover Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

This competition is supported by

  • Cybersafe Kids IReland