What's Your Story?


If the internet disappeared today, what would your life be like?

That was the question we asked in our 2019-2020 competition. Congratulations to Youth Work Ireland, Cork who were awarded €2,000 as overall winner. Their video was engaging, original, fun and speaks to all ages in our community.

Category Winners

Congratulations to all of our Category Winners who were each awarded €1,000 for their video creations. Our independent judges were blown away by their creativity, diversity, thought, time and the effort that was put into these video creations.

Honourable Mentions

We had a record year for entries and our independent judges recognised an additional 6 video entries with an 'honourable mention' status for their creativity, uniqueness and well thought out poignant stories. Each of the following were awarded €150.

This competition is supported by

  • Cybersafe Kids IReland